Description Summary

Presshere is a project that aims to improve students and teachers’ key competences regarding technology and knowledge of European industrial cultural heritage and labour, through innovative and creative practices, to generate socially inclusive actions, namely in gender equality.

Presshere addresses crucial concerns of today’s society related to young people’s need to guarantee quality jobs and fair working conditions. It proposes to relook at the European labour market, and more particularly, the industry sector, through a more participatory and intercultural approach, with a historical lens, to better develop competences, equip and prepare the next generations to the world of labour. Also intends to raise awareness of gender inequality at labour market access and working conditions, where women are at increased risk. The industrial past is a shared common European ground from which to raise and contribute to these educational and societal challenges.

FIRST RESULT expected is that students can produce creative and interdisciplinary digital contents that reflect their ability to critically think about the past and future of European industrial society, labour & related gender issues with engagement and responsibility.

SECOND RESULT expected is that teachers use, create and share digital learning resources, being able to manage and orchestrate the use of ICT technologies to meet the needs of the school system.

THE THIRD RESULT expected is to approximate museum education to the school’s needs by developing a common digital, interactive and creative tool.